Please reach us at (405) 451-3454 if you cannot find an answer to your question and we will gladly assist you.
Olive Branch does not provide emergency services. If you or your loved one are in crisis, we strongly suggest that you go to the nearest Emergency Room. If you have an appointment scheduled at our clinic but you are needing to speak with a mental health professional or other support sooner, we urge you to text or call "988" for free and confidential 24/7 crisis triage services. Our office can provide resources for local crisis and evaluation locations.
Most of our providers do not provide therapy services. Some of our providers are licensed medical professionals and others are licensed in counseling. Meaning: people interested in both services at our clinic would treatment plan with two different providers. It is uncommon, anymore, for psychiatrists to provide therapy services. It is more typical in psychiatry for a Medical Doctor, their supervised Physician Assistant, or a Nurse Practitioner to manage symptoms with prescribed medications, while a Therapist or perhaps a Psychologist can address underlying causes and skills for managing symptoms with therapy. It is not guaranteed that every client interested in both med management and counseling can receive both at Olive Branch due to availability, insurance contracting, and other factors.
Olive Branch is a private practice psychiatry clinic. We provide two types of services at an outpatient level of care. We provide medication management appointments which are billed as a medical specialist office visit. We also have a licensed therapist that is contracted with our clinic and sees clients, both receiving and not receiving medication management, for counseling services at our clinic. Family Therapy is sometimes available. Counseling appointments are billed as either an individual or family psychotherapy visit.
All providers at our clinic offer follow-up telehealth appointments via Spruce Health Messenger. Initial appointments must be in-person at the clinic. Patients who choose to continue follow-up appointments via telehealth may still need to attend future in-person follow up appointments for administrative reasons and prescribing laws.
Typical response time for intake forms and referrals are around 2 weeks. We always offer the soonest available appointment time which varies on the assigned provider.
Our list of in-network insurances are on the home page of our website. Please note that we may only be in-network with your insurance for one of our provided services. It is patient responsibility to confirm with your insurance whether or not Olive Branch Clinic is an in-network location with your particular plan for the service you are requesting.
You can always contact the clinic or your insurance company if you have additional insurance questions.
We file claims directly with your in-network insurance for each appointment. You should receive an Explanation of Benefits of how your insurance paid that claim and what your responsibility is, if any after insurance. You will receive a statement from our billing department for the balance due. Our fee schedule goes as follows:
Medication Management
Individual Therapy
Balances are due at the time of service. Payment plans can be set up via your ClearGage e-statement, by phone, or in-person with our billing liaison at the clinic. If you have questions pertaining to a claim, you may call our billing department at (844) 955-2616.
Olive Branch does not perform any formal psychological tests/evaluations. For prescribing purposes, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a clinical diagnosis that can typically be determined with a clinical interview and screening assessment tools, which we provide. However, these are not the same as ADHD testing. We do treat patients with ADHD, but it may be in your best interest to seek psychological testing if you are exclusively interested in formal testing for ADHD or any other disorders. In some cases, we may recommend a patient to complete a psychological evaluation. Therefore, we can provide resources that we commonly refer to for those purposes.
As your appointment gets closer, our office will contact you via text with pre-appointment instructions, including:
We ask that all new patients arrive 30 minutes before their scheduled appointment time in order to complete additional paperwork. Please be prepared to complete the above items at the time of check-in, in case something was not completed properly. Please be prepared to pay for any copays at the time of service.
Plan accordingly with work, school, and transportation in order to arrive 30 minutes before your first appointment, which should last approximately one hour. If you are late to your appointment, you may have to be rescheduled.
If you feel the need to cancel or reschedule for any reason, please notify us by noon the business day before your scheduled appointment, as this constitutes sufficient notice of cancellation. Anything else would be counted as a no-show per clinic policy.
Many medications are able to be sent to the pharmacy with refills, but not all per prescribing laws in Oklahoma. If you are due for a refill and there are none remaining at the pharmacy, we ask that patients request their refills directly from our office by phone or messaging on the spruce app, allowing 5 business days to process the refill.
Another important thing to note: your insurance may require a prior authorization in order to cover the cost of your prescription at your pharmacy. Our medication policy can be found on the "Forms and Links" page on our website.
You can pay your balance with the clinic in several ways. We send patient statements through the mail, as well as e-statements that are texted and emailed from ClearGage. Check, money order, and debit/credit card are accepted forms of payment. We do not accept cash. You may pay with any of the following options:
Olive Branch Clinic
13821 Technology Drive, Suite B, Oklahoma City, OK 73134
Phone: (405) 451-3454 Fax: (405) 562-7039